Friday, August 12, 2016

Is This Really the Sale Price?

When something is on sale you expect a significant amount to be taken off
of the item. When you see $1 off of $5 that's good, but $2.50 off of $5 is
even better. Have you ever seen an item that was one-cent off? I have, and
I thought to myself...Why did they even bother? It wasn't even worth it to
print the signs. What's the point of one-cent off?

Is This Really the Sale Price?

Is this really the sale price?
It's marked down one-cent.
How much were the signs that you had to print?

If I save one-cent what's that gonna do?
You've got to be kidding.
Is this really true?

When I saw the signs I just had to grin.
You should be ashamed...
one-cent is a sin.

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